Musician, Worship leader, Song writer

The greatness of your grace

The greatness of your grace, the richness of your mercy.
Through Jesus’ perfect love
we are not condemned, we are not condemned.
The fullness of your promise, the depth of your compassion;
an overflow of blessing, in you we have our hope.

The greatness of your grace, it meets us,
the greatness of your grace forgives us,
the greatness of your grace now is letting me see.
The greatness of your grace, it saves us,
the greatness of your grace restores us,
the greatness of your grace, pouring down over me.

So generous and true, so intimate and holy.
Through Jesus’ perfect life we come near your throne,
we come near your throne.
The greatest price was paid out, yet freely you have given
a prize for us to run to, our very great reward.

The humble justified, a captive finding freedom,
through Jesus’ perfect power we can stand complete,
we can stand complete.
The mystery unfolding, the joy that lasts forever,
to worship endless beauty, to glorify our God.

Words and music by Roo Stewart
Copyright ©2007 Rooster Music, admin. by
Recorded on the album “Presence”

Story behind the song

Christian Fellowship Church, Belfast, was proud to be known as a ‘grace church’ where the concept of the grace of God was a common feature of the teaching and practice of the community.

I wanted to write a song that would try to encompass every mention of ‘grace’ in the Bible, so a simple look through a Bible Concordance produced an extensive list! I rearranged the found phrases until they could flow together into a singable form.

After sharing the song with my church one Sunday, I received positive feedback from trusted friends, plus some specific feedback from my small group leader, who shared ’It's good but it’s not the next Lion of Judah!’ [referring to the Robin Mark song that we often sang at church). I was content that it wasn’t going to be a top-ten worship song – this song was designed to be an opportunity to reflect and dwell on God‘s grace rather than be a hit – although if it could have been both, I wouldn’t have minded!

Listen to the recording of ‘The Greatness of your grace’ on the Presence album here:

Copyright Roo Stewart