Back from Canada after 13 flights, 8 days, and 6 gigs with thousands of excited concert-goers.
Managed to shake off most of the manflu that had beset the start of the tour, but even now the dull fog of lingering illness has been amplified by the onset of the dreaded jet lag! I generally cross the Atlantic a few times a year, so I should be used to this by now, but still it always manages to grab me for at least a week after my return west.
My chief tactic is to resist my body's urge to sleep at innopportune moments by forcing myself to work, but unusually for me I have managed to sleep through my alarm twice since arriving back in Northern Ireland this time - something which up until now I have never done!
Also slightly concerned this time about my carbon footprint for the trip - thinking of ways to offset it.
The concerts themselves were great: John Willis was fantastic as usual looking after all the sound, it was great to have Andy McCann, current native of PEI, play with us and host me in his lovely home in the Island, and Robin delivered his usual blend of stories, humour and heart-felt adoration through the songs old and new.
It's a marvellous thing to be able to do and always an honour and privilege to be asked to join the team for such events.
Now if someone could just invent a cure for jet lag...