Musician, Worship leader, Song writer

Big Changes!

I am moving! After a blessed and fulfilling seven years working at Holywood Parish in sunny Norn Iron I will be shortly be taking up the position of Director of Worship at Gold Hill Baptist Church in Chalfont St Peter, Bucks in England. There will be lots of sad goodbyes (or au revoirs) over the next couple of months but I'm also very excited about my new role and what that may bring to the church, to me personally and to the community.

When I began my ministry at Holywood I had felt a call to leave full time classroom teaching to take up full time church ministry - and it was a relief that that call came in the physical form of the vicar of Holywood phoning me out of the blue to ask if I could come and work with him!

Similarly, when I received a phone call from the leader of Gold Hill Baptist Church telling me that there would be a job opening with them, I had to sit up and take notice!

One of the songs on my 'Presence' album sums up my thoughts:

My boat is watertight, but unmoving;
Comfortable, but I'm thirsty...

(From 'Out of my Boat')

I believe I was put on this Earth for challenge and growth, so when I get a call to step out of my comfort zone, I like to take it! So this next season will be a challenge: adapting to a new context, a new country, developing new friendships and relationships; it's going to be a huge change. But as Smith Wigglesworth is on record as saying:

God does not call those who are equipped, he equips those whom he has called.

...which gives me great hope that as I walk this new path, the road will rise up to meet me!

Exciting times!


Copyright Roo Stewart