Musician, Worship leader, Song writer

Amid the Winter's Snow now available!

Ermmm it's not actually snowing... yet! But with my good friends Michelle Wooderson, Richard Bleakley and Dave McMurray I have been working on a little EP of favourite Christmassy hymns and carols, which will be ready for your listening pleasure quite soon.

We started work on a Christmas album in June, and managed to string up some fairy lights and eat mince pies (Google it if you're not sure what they are!) in the studio to try to get in the festive mood, but we discovered that the promise of Christmas is really something to be enjoyed throughout the year; the beauty of the Christmas story is plain to see at any time. Even though we started so early on in the year, we still didn't have time to complete the whole album, so there are some tracks which will have to wait for next Christmas before they are heard, but for now we are pleased to release the first six songs.

The EP is called Amid the Winter's Snow and we are calling ourselves 'Leawood Saints' which is a combination of the 'Le' of Richard BleakLEy, the 'a' of Dave McMurrAy, the 'wood' of Michelle WOODerson and the 'St' of Roo STewart! That might not sound like a terribly great name but, after weeks of trying to come up with something that wasn't already taken by some other band, it was the best we could do!

Amid the Winter's Snow is available for download from iTunes now and physical copies from us personally or from the Resources Desk at CFC Belfast East, 10 Belmont Road Belfast on Sundays.


Track listing:

1. IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER Christina Rossetti / Gustav Holst
2. SEE AMID THE WINTER'S SNOW Edward Caswell / John Goss
3. COME, THOU FOUNT OF EVERY BLESSING Robert Robinson / John Wyeth
4. LO, HOW A ROSE E’ER BLOOMING tr. Theodore Baker / German hymn tune
5. O COME, O COME, EMMANUEL tr. John M Neale / French 15th Century
6. THE FIRST NOEL trad. English

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